Beijing W&L Patent & Trademark Attorneys is designated by com****et authority of Chinese government to deal with patent and trademark affairs involving overseas parties. Beijing W&L Patent & Trademark Attorneys has the capability to serve its clients in all phases of intellectual property including acquisition of the rights, transfer or licensing of the rights, investment with the rights, enforcement and protection of the rights, and related litigation and administrative proceedings.
Beijing W&L Patent & Trademark Attorneys was set up in the year of 2009 with the headquater in Beijing and branch office in Shenyang, Dandong, Yingkou, Hongkong, U.S.A and etc. The strengths of our intellectual property law practice lie in the accomplishments, prolific professional experiences and dedicated service of our team members.
Led by experts who are distinguished in the practice of intellectual property law, Beijing W&L Patent&Trademark Attorneys is therefore well-placed to provide comprehensive and excellent professional services to our clients from all over the world in the field of IPRs.